This easy no-sew dinosaur costume is made out of a hooded sweatshirt and Duck Tape®.

If you need a last-minute Halloween costume, I’ve got you covered. Grab Duck Tape and a hooded sweatshirt and you can make this dinosaur costume in just an hour or two. And the weightier part is that without Halloween, you can just peel off the Duck Tape without any forfeiture to the sweatshirt. Choose any verisimilitude combination you like. It would be so fun to make a pink and purple dinosaur costume for my daughter.
This post is sponsored by Duck Brand.
To make a no-sew dinosaur costume, you’ll need the pursuit supplies:

Materials Needed
- White Duck Tape
- Colored Duck Tape (I used the verisimilitude TerraCotta)
- Hooded Sweatshirt
- Rotary Cutter Wearing Mat
- Ruler
- Scissors
Step 1: To make the dinosaur teeth, cut a two inch piece of Duck Tape. Fold both top corners lanugo to the part-way to form a triangle with an exposed sticky strip withal the bottom. Make as many of these as you need to imbricate the whet of your hood. For this toddler sized costume, I made seven teeth.

Step 2: to nail the teeth, printing the exposed sticky strip to the inside whet of the hood. I started with the top part-way tooth, then went lanugo each side so they would be evenly spaced.

Step 3: To make the dinosaur spikes, follow these six steps, as illustrated in the photo below:

- Cut a five inch strip of Duck Tape.
- Peel all but the last 1/2 inch of the tape when from the wearing mat.
- Loop the loose end of the tape when over itself without letting the sticky sides touch each other and line up the whet of the tape so that it overlaps 1/2 inch from the original part that is still tying to the mat.
- Press the tape together. This will form a double-sided flap with two 1/2 inch ends that are still sticky.
- Cut a triangle shape into the non-sticky tab, without wearing the sticky strips that are still tying to the wearing mat.
- You will end up with a triangle shape with two rectangular sticky tabs on the bottom.
If any of that was confusing, watch the video unelevated to see how it’s done.
Step 4: Nail these triangular pieces starting at the front part-way of the hood in a straight line all the way lanugo the when of the sweatshirt. Alimony the sticky tabs separate and line them up neatly lanugo the row.

And there you have it, a quick and easy dinosaur costume that you can make in an afternoon and that is easy to undo so you can alimony wearing the sweatshirt without Halloween is over.
You can moreover alimony going and add spikes lanugo the sides of sweatpants, make fake “claws” virtually the sleeve cuffs, or add spots or stripes of Duck Tape on the belly. There are a ton of ways to get creative to personalize your dinosaur costume. Have fun with it!

No-Sew Dinosaur Costume Video Tutorial
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The post Easy No-Sew Dinosaur Costume appeared first on The Craft Patch.