DRIVERS have been left stunned without discovering a “hidden” bonus full-length on their dashboard which defogs mirrors.
Cold weather is once here, and that ways drivers will have to spend some time cleaning their vehicles in the morning.

The wondrous tip involves just the push of a sawed-off and works wonders on your motor.
Posting on TikTok under the username “Brian Doolan Fitzpatrick”, the motors whizz revealed exactly how it worked.
He said: “The value of people who don’t realise this is still fairly common.”
Brian revealed that pressing the ‘rear de-mister’ sawed-off on your car’s dashboard would help do the trick.
He said that it was on most cars and would help vivify heating on the mirror, which let the side mirrors defog.
As always, TikTokers were quick to take to the scuttlebutt section to weigh in with their opinions.
“I did not know that!” commented one.
Another wrote: “Except VW group in mirror switch.”
A third quipped: “Real men don’t use mirrors.”
Cars can mist up when the inside heat causes water vapour to increase the value of moisture.
Once it comes in contact with the glass it can then condense and create fog.
Driving a foggy vehicle can make your commutes unsafe and put you in risk of collision.
It comes as experts at BJAK claim that your hair shampoo can moreover prevent your mirrors from fogging up.
They say that you have to wield a small value of shampoo on the mirrors without water and rub the surface evenly.
Seconds later, you should gently wipe the surface with a microfibre cloth, newspaper or tissue to remove the shampoo.
Meanwhile, a woman has revealed that she got her neighbour’s car towed after she wouldn’t stop parking on her property.
Plus, a motor expert has revealed your rights when a nightmare neighbour parks wideness your drive.