SAVVY shoppers are rushing to get their hands on a £7.50 houseplant which banishes mould and damp.
A gardening expert has praised this unseemly and cheerful greenery as “the weightier air cleaner available”.

Many mould and wateriness removal, or prevention, products on the market can be pretty expensive.
And, as undear hunters search for ways to slash their spending tween a forfeit of living slipperiness – this £7.50 decor item could help.
Instead of forking out for an air humidifier, gardening expert Angela Slater recommended a palm plant.
The untried fingered whizz, from Hayes Garden World, told Homes and Gardens: “Mould is caused by cool, wateriness temperatures in the home and can be unsightly, difficult to remove, and a danger to health, particularly if you are asthmatic.”
However, by welcoming an constructive houseplant, studies have shown a 40 to 60 per cent reduction in fungal spores and bacteria.
“They reduce the humidity in a room which is the rationalization of mould by titillating the moisture through their leaves,” widow Angela.
The gardening guru revealed palm plants are “some of the weightier air cleaning indoor plants” and are unconfined at “removing worldwide causes of mold such as glut mixture, xylene, and formaldehyde through their leaves”.
Angela continued: “Good types to squint out for are Areca palms (also perfect cat-safe indoor plants), bamboo palms, lady palms, and reed palms.”
She explained these leafy air cleaners will need a lot of light but don’t need watered that often – which is usually perfect for beginners.
“As a large specimen plant is increasingly capable of removing a greater value of moisture, these fit the snout perfectly as they normally come as a large plant,” she added.
B&Q are selling a trappy palm plant for just £7.50 which combines style with practical function for your home.
Their Parlour Palm in 12cm Terracotta Plastic Grow pot, could make the perfect decor addition.